A brief history of all things: Mathematical. ... In this book, Johnny Ball tells one of the most important stories in world history - the story of mathematics. By introducing us to the major characters and leading us through many historical twists and turns, Johnny slowly unravels the tale of how humanity built up a knowledge and understanding of shapes, numbers and patterns from ancient times, a story that leads directly to the technological wonderland we live in today. As Galileo said, 'Everything in the universe is written in the language of mathematics', and Wonders Beyond Numbers is your guide to this ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
After the young Roman mosaic designer Felix starts work in Pompeii, his whole life changes. There he falls in love with the beautiful Greek slave Agathe, who can see into the future. When the volcano Vesuvius sends hot ash over the city, Felix - and Agathe's brother Alcander - ride to the port of Misenum for help. But will they reach admiral Gaius Plinius in time, and will they ever see Agathe alive again? Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities and on-page glossaries the new edition of the ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Съставители: Лиляна Грозданова, Мария Пипева. ... Selected papers of teh 13th International Conference of the Bulgarian Society for British Studies - November 7-9th 2008, Sofia. The volume examines the current discourses of globalization from multiple perspectives, coming from such diverse fields of scholarship as Linguistics, Cultural Studies, Education, Literary theory and criticism, and Translation studies. Сборникът съдържа текстове, които са ориентирани в следните теоретични полета: лингвистика, културни изследвания, образование, литературна теория и критика, теория на превода. Изданието демонстрира активния ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
In this Greek myth, Odysseus, king of Ithaca, sets sail from war in Troy to return to his island home. Before they can't reach Ithaca, Odysseus and his men must face one terrifying challenge after another, from deadly sea monsters to man-eating giants. "Macmillan English Explorers" is an eight-level reading scheme written specifically for young learners of English. They bring first language teaching methods to reading lessons in international classrooms. Informed by the National Literacy Strategy and by teaching methodology for first language speakers of English, "Macmillan Explorers" is supported ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
The terminology presents a specific lexical layer in the language in which there is a precise semiotic relation between signifier and signified. The terms have definite function by naming scientific concepts in a particular area. In semantic aspect the term must have: a) accuracy in the name of the scientific concept; b) definitivity reflecting the outcome of the scientific understanding of the object called with the given term; c) uniformity within the scientific field. In formal aspect the term should correspond to the norms of language while exhibiting its nominative character. The semantic definiteness is achieved ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Във всяка от общините ни се крие по една или повече песъчинки, които като в бисерната мида могат да се превърнат в перла в короната на историята, археологията, както и на туризма ни. Дяволският мост над Арда е сред чудесата на средновековното строително изкуство на Балканите. При късмет можете да видите изображението на шейтана във водите на реката. Мегалитите в община Брезово са без аналог на Балканите. Няма обяснение кой и защо е поставил тези огромни каменни блокове като вещ инженер върху специално подготвени легла преди хиляди години. Триградското ждрело в община Девин е като картина на съвършен живописец. Луксозната ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Понякога шахът се превръща в много повече от игра. Докато за едни предстоят първи стъпки в местенето на фигури и обмислянето на стратегически ходове, за други шахът вече е страст и любимо хоби. А за трети може да е дори и начин на живот, протичащ в турнири. За почитателите на играта шах от Manopoulos предлагат луксозен комплект, който ще бъде подходящ подарък тях независимо от повода. Той се състои от кутия с основа за игра на шах и 32 фигури от цинкова сплав. Кутията е изработена от висококачествен дървен материал, а основата ѝ е от месинг. Нейните размери са 34 x 34 cm. От вътрешната страна разполага с място ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
The purpose I pursue with this book is to compare the information that has come down to us from old writers and to draw some conclusions about the people who spread the Bulgarian state to the Balkans, without resorting to the numerous contemporary books that I have read and that fill my library. I do this not out of disrespect for the tremendous work of contemporary Bulgarian writers and historians, but out of a desire to make an independent assessment of events and to draw my own conclusions about the relationship and sequence of events and their consequences by reading only older authors. I hope the book will find a ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
How to Build Trust & Connection, No Matter the Distance. The book we all read right now: the definitive guide to communicating and connecting wherever you are. Email replies that show up a week later. Video chats full of "oops sorry no you go" and "can you hear me?!" Ambiguous text-messages. Weird punctuation you can't make heads or tails of. Is it any wonder communication takes us so much time and effort to figure out? How did we lose our innate capacity to understand each other? Humans rely on body language to connect and build trust, but with most of our communication happening from behind a ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Midnight tales and dangerous Magic. №1 New York Times Bestselling Author. ... From bestselling author of "Six of Crows", Leigh Bardugo, comes a lavishly illustrated collection of short stories filled with betrayals, revenge, sacrifice and love. Inspired by myth, fairy tale and folklore, "The Language of Thorns" will transport you to both lands familiar and strange that millions have visited through the novels of the Grishaverse. Love speaks in flowers. Truth requires thorns.Travel to a world of dark bargains struck by moonlight, of haunted towns and hungry woods, of talking beasts and gingerbread ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
"Greek Hits In The Mix 6" е шеста част на поредицата, в която DJ Петрос Карас селектира най-излъчваните и актуални гръцки хитове, прибавяйки им бийт и превръщайки ги в напълно готови за вашето частно парти или клуб. DJ Петрос Карас води свое рейтингово седмично шоу по най-голямото гръцко радио всяка събота, както и редица мащабни DJ партита и събития. Той подбира и обработва хитовете за поредицата "Greek Hits In The Mix" още от самото стартиране на проекта, а в шестата ѝ част е включил 26 супер хита от големите гръцки звезди Мелина Асланиду, Деспина Ванди, Йоргус Мазонакис, Христос Медиетис, ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |