Children can set off on an amazing adventure through the animal world with the help of appealing, contemporary artwork, fun text and incredible facts. Clever camouflage, super senses and life in the harshest habitats are just some of the topics covered. Charming characters communicate extra fun facts and a practical activity on every spread encourages reader participation. Also included is an animal families wall poster, plus a quiz page. ... |
Безкрайно забавна и образователна, книжката отвежда малчуганите на пазар с животните. В разгънат вид, тя се превръща във великолепен магазин, в който децата имат възможност да помогнат на животните да направят своите покупки и да напълнят кошничките си, с помощта на 19 живи силиконови стикера за многократна употреба. Под всеки стикер е изписано името на продукта. Допълнителна задачка е търсенето и намирането на продуктите, изобразени в долната част на магазина. Тази приятна комбинация от забавление и учене предизвиква любопитството на подрастващите, насърчава креативността и въображението им. Книжката разполага с ... |
A beautifully illustrated and stunningly original tarot deck by Alba Ballesta González. Inspired by ancient rituals and stories of sacred animal spirits, the White Numen forms a path to human reconnection with the natural world and spiritual realm. This uniquely beautiful tarot deck features sacred animal spirits "Numen" interwoven into the classical imagery of the tarot to create cards that are both otherworldly and contemporary, with a fantasy style inspired by the likes of comic master Moebius. Most of the illustrations feature powerful women, including Death, draped in a black cloak, carrying her ... |
"My first Mini-Books" е поредица за малчуганите, които започват да учат английски. Тази книжка е първата от поредицата. Съдържа много упражнения за правилно изписване на буквите от английската азбука. За всяка буква е отделена по цяла страница! Чудесните рисунки за оцветяване и забавните задачи помагат на децата да усвоят новите знания по-бързо, трайно и с желание. Поредицата "My First Mini-Books" съдържа още: My first word book My first animal book ... |
"Classic Animal Stories" is a wild and wonderful collection of animal adventure tales for children aged 8+. "Classic Animal Stories" is the perfect introduction to renowned writers such as Rudyard Kipling, E. Nesbit, Kenneth Grahame and Anna Sewell. A host of favourite characters, from "Shere Khan" to "Black Beauty", are brought to life by enchanting artwork. Charming illustrated decoration on every page and an irresistible sparkly cover makes this a book to treasure. "Classic Animal Stories" Beautifully illustrated throughout; 20 extracts and stories from around the ... |
Книгата Tiger Time for Bulgaria от световноизвестните автори Carol Read и Mark Ormerod е предназначена за учителите, преподаващи английски език за 4. клас. Има за цел да подпомогне урочната работа, осъществява чрез учебник по английски в 4. клас, работна тетрадка и комплект от 3 CD с аудиоматериали. Учебната система Tiger Time for Bulgaria: позволява гъвкавост в методите на преподаване чрез наличния Presentation Kit, който улеснява визуализирането на съдържанието и помага за концентрацията на учениците; Tiger помага за изграждането на основните морални ценности на учениците; чрез CLIL модулите, които са ... |
Одобрено от МОН със заповед № РД09 - 3163 от 14.08.2017 г. ... Tiger Time for Bulgaria е учебник за 4. клас от световноизвестните автори Carol Read и Mark Ormerod. Учебникът използва т.нар. story-based подход, т.е. преподаване на английски език чрез истории. Тези истории са адаптирани към възрастта на учениците като лексиката и граматиката се въвеждат постепенно. Учебникът набляга на развитието на езиковите умения - четене, писане, слушане и говорене. Учебната система Tiger Time for Bulgaria позволява гъвкавост в методите на преподаване чрез наличния Presentation Kit, който улеснява визуализирането на съдържанието и ... |
Compiled by: Tig Thomas. ... "Illustrated Treasury of Animal Stories" is a wonderful hardback book for children aged 7+ to enjoy timeless tales by renowned storytellers such as Lewis Carroll. The book is a collection of captivating stories, brimming with crafty characters and amazing adventures. Favourite tales sit alongside lesser-known gems from renowned authors such as Kenneth Grahame, E. Nesbit and Rudyard Kipling. Animal antics abound in this classic selection of short stories and extracts, packed with endearing characters. "Illustrated Treasury of Animal Stories": Spectacular stories that you ... |
Learn to say "Please" with Mr Panda in this charmingly funny picture book. Mr Panda has a tray of doughnuts. Patiently and politely, Mr Panda asks his friends if they would like one. Each animal says yes, but without the all-important "please"! Is anyone worthy of Mr Panda's doughnuts?"An ideal book for kids to learn about good manners." The Sun "Simple yet funny enough for multiple readings." Kirkus "Does the job beautifully." The Times ... |
Bright, colourful illustrations are packed with charm and detail that will capture the imagination. Stories included are How the Camel Got His Hump, The Ugly Duckling, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Three Little Pigs and The Elephant's Child. The cover has been designed using a wealth of special effects. Beautiful gift book with stunning cover effects, contains five brightly illustrated stories and perfect for bedtime story-telling. ... |
Cyril Christo is a poet, photographer, documentarian and activist for human and animal rights. Cyril has a Bulgarian name, but pronounced in French, because his father is Bulgarian and his mother is French, known as Christo & Jeanne-Claude. This is a poetry book, where the verses are inspired by his parents' projects and were written many years apart. The verbal images tell of which he grew up. ... |
"Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles" are non-fiction graded readers from the "Oxford Bookworms Library" available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. Imagine an animal with teeth as big as bananas - and a brain as big as an orange. Or a flying animal with wings as wide as a small plane. Think about a tail that could knock a man's head off, or a mouth with hundreds of teeth. Is it any surprise that people are interested in dinosaurs? Nobody has ... |